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Version: 10.1

Manage Apps and User Rights

The Manage Apps and User Rights page allows you to enable or disable specific WebApps and manage which user group has the rights to access WebApps or certain functions.

Manage Apps and User Rights Page

Enable WebApps and Modules

The following WebApps and modules can be toggled from here:

  • Views App
  • Assist App
  • Snapshots App
  • Labels App
  • Rest API

To enable Views App License 52-8511 is required.


To enable Assist App License 52-8512 is required.


The Device toggle option enables a mandatory user authentication to send Toolbox configurations to the system.

Manage User Rights

The Manage User Rights menu allows you to fine-tune access rights for all enabled WebApps and Modules.

Authorisation Group: Anyone

Clicking the Anyone button, opens up the Authorisation Group: Anyone.


Rights setup here are available without login

Giving rights here will also remove the existing configuration of the right for every other group. To remove access for anyone, assign the right to a specific user group.

Manage User Rights Anyone

Views App and Assist App user rights are managed directly in Toolbox.


See User Management for further information.

User rights for Snapshots App, Labels App, System App and REST API can be adjusted by checking the corresponding checkboxes.


REST APIs other functions are inherited from group rights listed above.


Be sure to confirm your decisions by clicking the Save button. Unsaved changes will not be taken over after leaving the Authorisation Group page.

Specific Authorisation Groups

If you want to adjust user rights for the administrator or specific user groups, you can click on the featured user groups.


To adjust the user groups listed under Manage User Rights please see User Management Page.

Manage User Rights Admin

User rights for Snapshots App, Labels App, System App and REST API can be adjusted by checking the corresponding checkboxes.

Options enable in Authorisation Group: Anyone will be marked with Anyone but can be adjusted freely by administrators.


Be sure to confirm your decisions by clicking the Save button. Unsaved changes will not be taken over after leaving the Authorisation Group page.